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Book Blogger Test Tag

What are your top three book pet peeves?

  1. Horribly designed covers. Whether just poor graphic design work or a cover that doesn’t match the story, a bad cover can completely ruin a book for me.

  2. Small print, especially if it is a particularly thick book. I have terrible eyesight to begin with, and I don’t want to squint my way through a book.

  3. Water damage. Rippled pages and a book that doesn’t lay flat irks me beyond words.

Describe your perfect reading spot

In a big, comfy chair next to an open window. Preferably, it would be storming and just cool enough that I’d need a light blanket.

Tell us three book confessions

  1. I sometimes highlight in books, but only if it’s nonfiction.

  2. I am not a fan of YA literature.

  3. I don’t like lending my books to people, because I’m very protective of them.

When was the last time you cried at a book?

The first book in the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon was really emotionally damaging.

How many books are on your bedside table?

My bed is actually built into a bookshelf, so a lot.

What is your favorite snack to have whilst you’re reading?

I don’t really like to snack while I read, but I will have tea or coffee.

Name three books you’d recommend to everyone

  1. What the Night Knows by Dean Koontz

  2. The Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon

  3. The Three by Sarah Lotz

Show us a picture of your favorite shelf on your bookcase

I only separate my books into two categories: Have Read (left), and To Be Read (right). I’m too lazy to organize by genre or title or color.

Write how much books mean to you in 3 words

Best things ever.

What’s your biggest reading secret?

I hate John Green’s books, sorry not sorry.

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